Timescale for Answering Enquiries

If you have enquired about our services or are planning on doing so via Facebook or our website, we would like to inform you that we currently have a very high demand for new quotations and surveys.

We endeavour to respond to all new enquiries as quickly as we possibly can, even during our busiest months historically spanning September to February we have the resources to cover the demand whilst maintaining our high record of excellent customer service however enquires are at an exceptionally high volume due to the current global economic situation and cost of energy supplies. This is also the case across the industry nationwide including suppliers, manufacturers and all other trades related

Our team are working really hard behind the scenes to answer all enquiries promptly, so please bare with us if we haven’t answered yours just yet. We will, and are committed to giving everyone the service and advice they need as the colder months approach.

Thank you for your understanding.


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